
Polaris Contenders finalists meet at Polaris 21

Polaris 28

The final three matches have been added to the Polaris 21 card and two of them will feature the finalists of the Polaris Contenders competition that took place at BJJ Summer Week.

Polaris Contenders featured both a men’s and women’s division, with both seeing a number of exciting matches throughout the course of the tournament. In the end, Danielle Tighe and Darina Goldin made it to the very top of the women’s division while Sven Groten and Samuel Karas did the same in the men’s division. Alongside these two matches, another match has been added to headline the preliminary card. One of the brightest young prospects from the B-Team, Kaya Rudolph, will be taking on Polaris veteran Jed Hue’s protege, Francesco Bartolotta.